
  • FK- 45yo, Breast Augmentation

    I just wanted to say thank you for spending time and explaining everything in detail like you did, you have no idea how much that helped in making my decision, I was indeed impressed! You have my complete trust’and thank the girls also, they were great! Got to go brag about you on the forum’thanks again.

  • KW- 32yo, Breast Augmentation

    You and your staff have been extremely helpful and very supportive before, during and after my surgery. I greatly appreciate all you have done for me.

  • CB- 50yo, Breast Augmentation

    It is amazing the changes I have been through this past week. Monday morning I was so apprehensive as to my decisions and so worried that the life changing decision I was making was possibly going to be something I would regret the rest of my life. From that to relief and then feeling so much better as each hour passes! It is unbelievable!

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  • KT- 28yo, Breast Augmentation

    Good Afternoon Dr. Revis! Wow, thanks a lot for the wonderful card in the mail, how professional! I was shocked… never had ANY doctor give me a card, especially HAND written from the surgeon himself. Thank you. You are in a class all of your own…. truly a class act all the way.

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  • VB- 50yo, Breast Augmentation Revision

    I want to thank you and your staff for your kindness and patience. Thank you for answering all my questions by email, on the phone and in person. I have never met a doctor like you! I hope you never change! I am very pleased with the results of my surgery. You are a very talented and conscientious doctor.

  • CC- 26yo, Breast Augmentation Revision

    I just wanted to thank you for the surgery you performed last week. I am very pleased with the results! I am doing very well! I’m still very surprised at how less painful it was this time around. No bruises whatsoever!

  • DR- 62yo, Breast Augmentation

    Thank you so much for your attention to detail and the care you deliver.

  • MS- 29yo, Breast Augmentation

    I just want to let you know, I think you, Deb and Suzanne are amazing. Not only are you a great surgeon but your staff made me feel like family, they are so warm and sweet.

  • Cathy- 28yo, Breast Augmentation (testimonial submitted to ImplantInfo.com)

    Nicole, I chose Dr. Revis because I liked his overall caring personality. I like a doctor with a bedside manner. He truly cares. His technique is wonderful. I had minimal pain. A lot less than I expected and nothing compared to childbirth like I have read. I am 2 days post op now and I feel great but trying to rest anyway to not overdo it.

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  • Carol- 50yo, Breast Augmentation (testimonial submitted to ImplantInfo.com)

    Hello Nicole! My name is Carol and I e-mailed you a few weeks back about having my surgery done with Dr. Revis. I don’t know if you remember because you probably get millions of e-mail a day. Anyway you did respond to me. Thanks. Well the reason that I am writing you is that I wanted to let you know personally how things have progressed since that e-mail. I had my surgery with Dr. Revis last Monday (Dec. 23rd). He is a wonderful Doctor. The surgery went well and I am doing great. Getting better hourly! I didn’t give myself time to really check out any of the other Doctor’s on your site that are in my area, but, I am sure they are all great and heck why make myself crazy.

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