The Role of the Internal Bra in Correcting Implant Displacement

Breast augmentation is one of the most sought-after cosmetic surgeries, giving women the ability to enhance their appearance and boost confidence. However, implant displacement, a complication where breast implants shift from their original position, can sometimes occur. This issue can lead to aesthetic concerns, such as asymmetry, discomfort, or a distorted breast shape. Fortunately, the revolutionary Internal Bra technique, developed by Dr. Don R. Revis, JR., MD, FACS, offers a highly effective solution for correcting implant displacement, providing long-lasting support and superior cosmetic results.

What is Implant Displacement?
Implant displacement refers to a situation where the breast implant moves out of its intended position. This can result in the implant sitting too high, too low, or shifting to the sides, which distorts the overall appearance of the breast. Some common types of displacement include:

  • Bottoming Out: When the implant descends below the natural breast fold, causing the nipple to appear unnaturally high on the breast mound.
  • Lateral Displacement: When the implant shifts towards the sides, creating a widened gap between the breasts.
  • High-Riding Implants: When the implants sit too high on the chest, giving a lifted or unnatural look.
  • Symmastia: When the implants shift towards the center of the chest, resulting in a “uniboob” or joined breasts appearance.

Implant displacement can occur due to various factors, such as thin or weak tissue, overly large implants, improper surgical technique, or natural changes in the body over time. Regardless of the cause, implant displacement can affect the harmony of the breasts and lead to dissatisfaction with the surgical outcome.

Understanding the Internal Bra Technique
Dr. Don R. Revis, JR., MD, FACS, developed the Internal Bra technique as an innovative solution to combat implant displacement and other breast augmentation complications. This advanced procedure provides additional internal support for breast implants by reinforcing the surrounding tissue and implant pocket, preventing the implants from shifting out of place.

The Internal Bra is created using biologic or synthetic mesh materials that act as an internal scaffolding for the breast tissue. These materials integrate with the body’s natural tissue, providing structural support and ensuring that the implant remains in its proper position over time. By creating this extra layer of reinforcement, the Internal Bra not only corrects implant displacement but also helps prevent future complications.

How the Internal Bra Corrects Implant Displacement
The Internal Bra technique is highly effective for correcting implant displacement and restoring a natural, balanced appearance to the breasts. Here’s how it works:

  1. Restoring Proper Implant Position:
    The Internal Bra allows the surgeon to reposition the implant to the correct anatomical location, whether the displacement involves bottoming out, lateral shifting, or other types of implant movement. By securing the implant within a properly structured internal pocket, the surgeon ensures that it stays in place.
  2. Reinforcing the Breast Tissue:
    When displacement occurs due to weak or thin breast tissue, the Internal Bra provides the necessary strength to support the implant. The biologic or synthetic mesh acts as a supportive framework, reducing the stress on natural tissues and preventing the implant from migrating over time.
  3. Preventing Future Displacement:
    One of the most significant advantages of the Internal Bra technique is its ability to prevent future complications. By reinforcing the tissue around the implant, the risk of future displacement is significantly reduced. The Internal Bra provides long-term support, ensuring that the breast shape remains stable and aesthetically pleasing.
  4. Improving Symmetry:
    In cases where implant displacement has caused asymmetry between the breasts, the Internal Bra can be used to restore balance. The surgeon can adjust the position of one or both implants, using the Internal Bra to ensure that each breast sits symmetrically.
  5. Customizable to Patient Needs:
    The Internal Bra technique is highly customizable based on the patient’s specific anatomy and aesthetic goals. Whether the displacement is mild or severe, the surgeon can tailor the procedure to provide the exact level of support needed for each individual case.

Advantages of the Internal Bra for Displacement Correction
The Internal Bra offers several key benefits for patients facing implant displacement, making it a preferred technique for many surgeons and patients alike:

  • Long-Term Stability:
    The primary advantage of the Internal Bra is its ability to provide long-term stability. Once the mesh is integrated with the natural tissue, it offers a permanent solution to the problem of implant displacement.
  • Natural Look and Feel:
    Despite its structural reinforcement, the Internal Bra technique maintains a soft, natural appearance. The implants are securely positioned, but the overall look and feel of the breasts remain smooth and lifelike.
  • Minimal Risk of Recurrent Displacement:
    Because the Internal Bra strengthens the internal structure of the breast, there is a significantly reduced risk of displacement reoccurring in the future. This allows patients to enjoy lasting results without needing further corrective surgeries.
  • Enhanced Support for Larger Implants:
    Women with larger implants are more prone to displacement due to the added weight and pressure on the tissue. The Internal Bra provides crucial support for these cases, ensuring that larger implants remain in their proper position.

Who is a Candidate for the Internal Bra?
The Internal Bra technique is an ideal solution for women experiencing implant displacement, as well as those looking to prevent potential displacement issues in the future. Candidates for this procedure include:

  • Women whose implants have shifted out of position, either downward, sideways, or upward.
  • Patients dealing with complications such as bottoming out, lateral displacement, or symmastia.
  • Women with thin or weak breast tissue who need additional support to maintain the proper position of their implants.
  • Patients seeking revision surgery to correct the results of a previous breast augmentation.
  • Women with larger implants who want to prevent displacement over time.

As with any surgical procedure, it is essential to consult with a highly skilled and experienced plastic surgeon to determine if the Internal Bra technique is the best option for your needs.

The Expertise of Dr. Don R. Revis, JR., MD, FACS
Dr. Don R. Revis, JR., MD, FACS, is a world-renowned plastic surgeon known for his expertise in breast augmentation and implant revision surgeries. As the creator of the Original Internal Bra, Dr. Revis has helped countless women correct implant displacement and other complications, restoring their confidence and satisfaction with their results.

Dr. Revis’ innovative approach to the Internal Bra technique has set a new standard for implant support, offering women long-lasting, natural-looking results. His commitment to patient care and surgical excellence ensures that each patient receives personalized attention and the best possible outcomes.

Secure Your Confidence with the Internal Bra
If you are experiencing implant displacement or are concerned about the long-term stability of your breast implants, the Internal Bra technique can provide the support you need for beautiful, lasting results. Trust Dr. Don R. Revis, JR., MD, FACS, to guide you through this transformative procedure with the care and expertise you deserve.

Schedule your free virtual consultation today and take the first step toward achieving the perfectly balanced, stable results you’ve always envisioned.

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