South Florida Plastic Surgery Associates - Don R. Revis, MD

Injectable Fillers

Hyaluronic Acid Fillers for Facial Wrinkles and Lip Enhancement

Injectable soft tissue fillers may be used to enhance the lips or to fill in lines and creases that may develop as we age and the effects of gravity, smiling, chewing, and squinting take their toll. There are several options to treat these conditions, including fat transfer, hyaluronic acid-based fillers such as Restylane®, Juvederm® and other products. During your consultation, Dr. Revis will help you make the right choice for your individual situation.

These techniques may also be used to enhance the results of another procedure, such as chemical peels, dermabrasion, microdermabrasion, facelifting, or brow lifting. Dr. Revis is a specialist in these state of the art techniques and can help guide your selection of the most appropriate treatment or combination of treatments to help you achieve the appearance you desire.

Soft tissue fillers have their differences, and it is important to understand these differences prior to selecting a particular treatment. Individual results with soft tissue fillers vary a great deal, and this phenomenon is not completely understood. Some patients do maintain the injected volume for years, but in other patients the results may fade after only a few months. Longevity of a treatment may also be related to the muscle activity in the area. Areas with intense, repetitive muscle activity seem to metabolize the fillers more rapidly than areas with less muscle activity. Because of this, soft tissue filler injections are sometimes combined with Botox® injections to paralyze the regional muscles and prolong the effects of the injectable filler.

Hyaluronic Acid (Restylane®, Juvederm®)

A naturally occurring protein found in human skin, hyaluronic acid has replaced collagen as the current state of the art in soft tissue fillers. A raidly growing number of injections are performed every year, making hyaluronic acid soft tissue filler injections the second most popular nonsurgical procedure in the United States after Botox injections. There is no risk of allergic reaction, and hyaluronic acid products typically last much longer than collagen before they are reabsorbed by the body.

After the Procedure

No bandages are necessary following treatment with injectable fillers, and you are able to apply makeup, a moisturizer, or sunscreen immediately following injection.

The Results You Can Expect

You will notice an improvement in the contour of your face immediately. A very mild swelling usually takes several days to subside. You should be able to resume your normal daily activities the day after your procedure, and you should be able to resume all of your physical activities within several days of your procedure.


Please call (954) 630-2009 for further information or email Dr. Revis.



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